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This last week of weather has reminded us we are in the summer season! I have such great memories, as I am sure you all do as well, of summertime "play!" Back in that day, the sprinkler was a huge deal, and we occasionally went to the neighborhood pool. 
I don't remember as a kid having a day where I stayed inside because it was too hot!! LOL, today it's such a different world as kids hardly know what to do outside! I had a bicycle I rode everywhere especially on my newspaper route! I delivered papers when there was the Indianapolis News that came out in the afternoon. I loved that paper route and my customers!
I clipped playing cards to my bike spokes to make the bike sound cool when I rode. I played games of every kind on that cul-de-sac where I grew up! Those were incredible summers as a kid! 
It's harder I suppose as an adult, older, wiser, more susceptible to the weather for sure! And God continues to be the same God yesterday, today, and forever! (Hebrews 13:8).
I pray you are having a good summer so far. I pray you are coming to church every week, remembering your offerings for the good of the order! Have you gone online and raised the amount of your giving? I hope so, I have to remind myself as well. You are faithfully in my prayers, St. Andrews, and I hope you pray for me as well!
1) Bishop Bill Gafkjen has an Endowment Leadership fund and on his visit July 21 we will announce the combined amount of donations from both churches to that fund! You can donate to that fund to help leaders in the future take part in opportunities and programs for development. You can donate electronically, and/or there are envelopes on the table in lobby/narthex! Please prayerfully take part!
2) Speaking of the Bishop, he will be our preacher/presider (Communion) on July 21, at 10 a.m. at our church (a change from being at Faith). We simply have the space for worship and fellowship and then the Chili Cook off will be at Faith. Please note, I was told after church this is the same day as the Brickyard at the track. It starts later than the 500 and won't have the same size crowd! We will have a luncheon after the service so plenty of time.
3) Donate, Donate! Clothes are needed of all sizes and shapes to the Clothes Closet. It's best to stop by on Wednesday afternoons when Pat and Karen are working in the closet. Or drop off anytime. Donate laundry supplies for the Laundry Ministry! Please talk with Lisa McKibban about needs and how you can help. Stop across the street from church this afternoon 4:30-6:30.
God be with you until we meet again!
+Pastor Doug