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This past Sunday, I stopped back to the building to get something from my office. My, what a difference a few hours can make. When I left after services, people were gathering in the library, talking in groups in the narthex/lobby, and services had just ended! I walked through the sanctuary and I could feel the energy of the Holy Spirit.
That energy, my friends, is what YOU bring to worship. If no one comes into the building, nothing happens. The building just sets there and nothing happens. It is when YOU, the Body of Christ, enter in and gather for service that it begins. You bring the energy, the love for the Lord, the fellowship and bonding you have with one another. 
The building will also be a building. It's nothing without you! It's nothing without the Hermerdings working together as a family to pull weeds, it's nothing until over 25 family units come to the Clothes Closet. Most of them do not speak English. The building sure looked like nothing right about 8:59 a.m. Sunday! There were only 3-4 people spread out....then YOU came in ! You brought life and love and the sanctuary was fairly filled in the next few minutes. 
Thank you for being the life and energy and love and light of our congregation. Thank you for all you do, for your giving, for your service at the building. I am fortunate to be your Pastor and I pray for you daily. Pray for me and each other. Reach out and share with a friend, neighbor or co-worker the joy of St. Andrews.
1) October 27, services will be at Faith, Avon at 10 a.m. for the Reformation Day worship and Chili Cook off! A great time to bring a friend with you. We sound great together and its wonderful to see so many of you develop relationships with folks from the other church. 
2) Via de Cristo held a meeting Saturday at church. Mark Hollman, Jamie Shake and myself are serving on the team that puts the weekend together Nov. 14-17. Come and grow in your faith, and draw closer to Jesus as the Holidays approach. I have all the details and can take care of all you need to know. Or visit
3) Get ready for Nov. 3rd Daylight Savings Time! We fall back, so over night that Saturday the 2nd-3rd our 2 a.m. will become 1 a.m.! 
God be with you until we meet again!
+Pastor Doug