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We All Have Gifts

To each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.

—  Ephesians 4:7

A story is told in Africa about a proud politician. This senior official had his own driver but did not treat him well. On a business trip he stopped at a restaurant and enjoyed a full meal, but he left his driver outside. On the way to a meeting afterward, the hungry driver decided to teach his boss a lesson. He turned off the car’s engine and pretended the battery was dead. “I guess we’ll have to push the car,” the driver said. After they pushed the car a short distance, the driver said he would try to start the engine again, and it started. The sweaty politician learned that his driver was important too: he needed him in order to go places and to get there on time.

This story includes some important reminders for the church. No member is more important than the others, and each one has gifts from God that can bless others. In the church, there are often people who think they have not received any special gifts from God. They think they have little or nothing to contribute. But that is a mistake. Another mistake is for people to think they don't need others or the gifts they can share. But God has given us many gifts and abilities, and we depend on each other in many ways.

What have you received from the Lord that you can share with others? And with what gifts from God have others blessed you?

Father, all that we have is a gift from you. Help us not to be proud of what we have or too proud to receive from others. Give us humble and gracious hearts. Amen.



1) Fall is Stewardship time for many churches. The Bible says "God loves a cheerful giver."

(2 Cor. 8 + 9). Prayerfully reflect on your giving and be sure to seek God's lead on raising your giving. If each of us (me too!) raise our giving, it makes a huge difference for the Lord.


2) Joint Worship Chili cook off October 27 at 10am.

Who will win the bragging rights this year??


3) Gracious and merciful God, we lift our prayers for all those affected by Hurricane Helene’s devastation, from the Gulf Coast to Tennessee. We pray especially for the injured and relief workers and for the restoration of communications throughout the region, to facilitate the vital saving work that is underway and give storm victims the comfort of being in touch. Amen.


As always, I am standing by to serve and to be with you or yours in any way.

Just let me know.


God be with you until we meet again!


Pastor Doug Givan