1) The church council meets this Saturday on a retreat with Pr. Nancy Nyland to guide some conversations about our current and future opportunities. Some of this will be difficult, hard discussions and I invite your prayers. Results of this retreat will come forward at church in a Temple Talk or two and NOTHING gets decided without a congregational meeting and vote. 
2) Sunday, the 16th is Father's Day! May God bless all of our dads and granddads with grace and peace to always love and encourage our children and grandchildren. Happy Father's Day!
3) Mark your July calendars for Sunday, the 21rst, 10 a.m. where we will worship at Faith Lutheran and offer blessings and peace to Bishop Bill Gafkjen on his retirement! More details to come!
God be with you until we meet again!
Happy Father's Day!
Proverbs 20:7 - “The righteous who walks in his integrity - blessed are his
children after him!”

Father’s Day is a great opportunity to remember and celebrate the fathers
and father figures who have impacted our lives and helped mold us into the
people God created us to be.

Being a father is not an easy job. Just the word “father” can be
synonymous with many duties our society places upon fathers such as
leader, protector, and guide. However, these burdens placed upon fathers
is not what God says is most important.

Proverbs 20:7 reminds us that it is truly the integrity of a man that blesses
his children. Integrity is taught by the way one lives, modeling wisdom in
both words and actions.  Integrity has everything to do with one’s character and principles, living out
qualities like honesty, responsibility, accountability, loyalty, and
trustfulness. This integrity is what blesses children as they grow up,
watching and learning.

Has there been a father or father figure that displayed integrity for you
during your lifetime? If so, celebrate that this Father’s Day. Not everyone
can answer yes to this question though and if this is you, it could make for
a more difficult day. 
The good news is that whether your father was the greatest or fell short,
you can always count on God, our Father, who we know possesses all of
those qualities – honesty, responsibility, accountability, loyalty, and
trustfulness. Our heavenly Father embraces us as His own with
unconditional love and that is something to celebrate .