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A Father Just Like You

I just want to let you know

You mean the world to me

Only a heart as dear as yours

Would give so unselfishly


The many things you’ve done

All the times that you were there

Help me know deep down inside

How much you really care


Even though I might not say

I appreciate all you do

Richly blessed is how I feel

Having a father just like you

Happy Father’s Day to all Fathers & Grandfathers

1) The church council meets this Saturday on a retreat with Pr. Nancy Nyland to guide some conversations about our current and future opportunities. Some of this will be difficult, hard discussions and I invite your prayers. Results of this retreat will come forward at church in a Temple Talk or two and NOTHING gets decided without a congregational meeting and vote. 
2) Sunday, the 16th is Father's Day! May God bless all of our dads and granddads with grace and peace to always love and encourage our children and grandchildren. Happy Father's Day!
3) Mark your July calendars for Sunday, the 21rst, 10 a.m. where we will worship at Faith Lutheran and offer blessings and peace to Bishop Bill Gafkjen on his retirement! More details to come!
God be with you until we meet again!
+Pastor Doug