
Mark 16:1-8
He has risen!

He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed, Hallelujah!

Easter Sunday has arrived and our long, dark journey of Lent is over as we witness the new light and life of Christ. This Holiday is for YOU! It’s not something over 2000 years old, and it is not covered up by the pandemic or any national news nor anything else.

Easter comes at just the right time. As God renews the earth and land all around us in Spring, so will God renew a new light within us. The work has been done, it’s been done for us in Jesus dying the horrific death of Good Friday. God defeated death in Christ and now all things are new, all things are fresh and alive.

May your own Spirit: mind, body, and soul, be renewed this day. Today, let’s take action and revive our souls! Let’s wash away the old in our baptismal waters and renew a right spirit within us!  As Paul writes in our second lesson today: “by the grace of God I am that I am!” The women come to the tomb to anoint Jesus and the angel tells them “He is not here, He has been raised.” (Mark 16: 5). And we, God’s beloved people say “Thanks be to God!”

Bishop Eaton's Easter message

Lectionary reflections

Sermon and prayers