Welcome to Palm Sunday!
Today we will hear the Biblical story of Jesus entering Jerusalem to give up his life for the sake of the world! Our reading at the beginning of the service will be from Mark 11:1-11. Today is also called “Sunday of the Passion” as we walk with the Lord from the Mt. of Olives into Jerusalem ultimately to his death and empty tomb on Easter!“
Hosanna, Hosanna, Blessed is the name of the Lord! Today marks the beginning of Holy Week and we will move together through this time preparing our hearts and minds for Easter. The Gospel lesson today comes from our devotional “A Story to Tell” Mark 14: 32; 44-46. This is Judas betraying Jesus and leading the Roman soldiers to him so he can be arrested.
This day and week ahead are marked by Christians around the world with solemnity, prayer, fasting and giving to others in need. We will have Virtual services for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday at 7 p.m. Faith has an Easter sunrise service at 7:23 a.m., their regular service at 9 a.m.. St. Andrews will be outdoors for Easter (weather permitting) at the normal time of 11 a.m.