Today is the Fourth Sunday of Lent, the days are going by rather quickly it seems.
Palm Sunday is in two weeks, the 28th, leading then into Holy Week. Easter is April 4th, but let us come back to Lent today.
Recall Lent is the season of being sorry for our sin, repentance, and seeking forgiveness. Lent is a word that in the Latin means “the lengthening of the days” noting the season of Spring. Remember the call at the beginning of Lent to either give up something or take on something. If you have not followed thru, there is still time!! Listen to what God is telling you and follow your heart.
Together as a family of faith, we serve the Lord. That is all we are here for, to serve the Lord. We serve so many ways at both churches I am proud to say! Today our Gospel lesson from the devotional is Mark 9: 33-35 where Jesus reminds the disciples “Whoever wants to be first must be last of all, and servant of all.”
Jesus reminds them, and all of us, that we are not to try and put ourselves first, but Jesus. These two disciples had been arguing about who was the greatest. Jesus knew that, and reminded them we are here to serve. Amen.