Today we continue on our Lenten journey that began on Ash Wednesday. We heard from the Biblical Old Testament prophet Joel: “You are dust, and to dust you shall return.” We are in the season of remembering our sin, feeling sorry about that sin, and a desire to change and live differently. It’s the preaching of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark today, “Repent (change your mind) and believe the Good News.” (Mark 1:9-15)
According to our First Lesson from Genesis God places a rainbow in the sky to remind us of the covenant (promise) God made with “every living thing.” The word “covenant” is like a promise, or agreement between us and God. We are promised that God will never leave us, always forgive and always love. Rainbows are a reminder and I know we all love to see rainbows in the sky, and the beauties of the color. We always want to remember the promise God made with us: to love us, forgive us, and journey with us in Lent!
Rainbows always seem to come after a spring/summer rainstorm. When the water droplets break into the white sunlight, the spectrum of the rainbow colors provides a rich array of colors in the sky. This is our sign in daily living, as daily darkness gives way to more light each day, the spring of our winters discontent is here.
Deacon Cory Driver's Lectionary Reflections
Rev. Dan Fugate's Sermon and Prayers