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I mentioned in my sermon this past Sunday, that I really came to know Jesus through my Via de Cristo (stands for "Way of Christ") experience. I have publicized and widely announced, but I ask you again today to pray about attending. Would you like to draw closer to Jesus to know Him more deeply and grow in the faith? Of course you would, so all you need to do is let me know OR others who have attended a weekend like: Jamie Shake, Jennifer Baker, Lisa Gold, Amanda Hunter, Happy Hill, Chris Willman, Jim Patton, Mark & Denise Hollman, Anne Demaree-Cullen and Jan Smith (she did a different "version" of the three-day weekend. (apologies to anyone I missed). Also, Lori Becker from Faith. 
The goal of the weekend is to build disciples of Christ (followers) that impact their environments (home, church, community) for the Lord. Those of us who have attended a weekend will guide you to apply, drive you to and from, and the cost is only $100 to help offset expenses and costs to run the weekend. It starts the Thursday of that weekend after dinner, and ends Sunday afternoon. 
What will happen?? A Ha!! LOL, nothing that will cause you any fear or worry. We listen to talks each day on different aspects of the Christian life. Then share our thoughts and insights with friends at our tables. Great food, fellowship and worship as well. 
The Co-Ed weekends are October 17-20 and November 14-17 and the details can be found at or the National website at!
 I'm praying for you to attend and be blessed!
Pastor Doug
1) Faith Formation, Sunday nights at 7, now meets the Second and Fourth Sunday evenings and the next one is this Sunday the 22nd. Come and join your family of faith from both churches for an inviting discussion of faith, hope and love!
2) This past Sunday I honored John Charlesworth for his over 50 years of ushering services and working on and around the property. During the very successful Chocolate Walk, around 3 p.m. last Saturday John came by to cut down a hornet's nest from a tree near the front of the building! He has a birthday this week and we thank God for servants here like John! (He received a devotional book for men, and wooden hand held crosses). Thanks, John!
3) Bobbie Moore's son, John, has started a business cleaning homes and doing odd jobs. Please consider John when you need something done around the house. There are pamphlets and his business card on the table in the narthex. 
God be with you until we meet again!
+Pastor Doug