Jesus is our role model, our guide. He demonstrated a life of following God and his plan for our life. Jesus is our savior, the one who shows us how to love our neighbors, how to praise God, and how to use our unique gifts. Throughout his ministry, he washed the feet of his disciples, healed the sick, taught God’s word, calmed seas, and walked on water. At the end of all of this, Jesus gave his life for us. He fulfilled his purpose - to die on the cross to save us from our sins and then rose from the grave, to bring us closer to God, to give us eternal life.
We are called into the world. Community is the basis of our mission. God is love (1 John 4:16). How do we show God’s love? By doing what Jesus did and walking with our community. You will find us at the local laundry mat helping families do their laundry. You will find us creating sleeping mats out of plastic bags for the homeless. Jesus was a friend to all because God loves us all (John 3:16). We welcome friends and seekers to worship on Sundays as well as to our Friendship Bible Study (see calendar). Jesus fed the hungry and invites us to do the same (Matthew 14:16). You will find our office administrator helping members of the Speedway community find the perfect outfit or food for the week. We are also partners with our community. St Andrew’s supports The Storehouse Community Food Bank with volunteers and donations. And you will find us at events for Wheeler elementary school, assisting and helping as needed.
Our teachings and beliefs are grounded in the scriptures, creeds, and confessions.