
Gospel: Matthew 20:1-16
First, Last, Always>>>God loves you!

Friends, as we gather around Word and Sacrament I am aware of the chaos that seems always around, or close at hand. I pray worship today renews your soul, and reminds us we are not in control, God is with us, and all will be well. As you listen to the hymns, take a second and meditate, listening to God speak to you, breathe deep the grace and love of God because YOU are special, you are loved and you will make it through these days. Please be sure and lessen the amount of news you take in, and go outside and enjoy this beautiful weather. We have to “take up our masks” and live, to some degree, and today Jesus reminds us that “the first will be last, and the last will be first!” The reference comes through a parable today about a man who pays the same daily wage to the ones who worked all day as to those that started work late in the day. 

The point is for us, it does not matter if you have been a Christian all your life, we are all equal in God’s love and grace. So whether you began to believe in Jesus yesterday or you have believed and worshipped God for 80-90 years, we are all one in Christ. The last one into Heaven will be as the first. This marvelous teaching of Jesus comes on a weekend where tonight the Emmy’s will award the best in Television. Awards will be handed out as a result of some “voting” who or what show is first. We live in a world that lifts up champions, winners, and those in first place. Thank God Jesus says whether we feel in “last place” or a winner, God is love. You are loved, and you are going to be okay, this too will pass. Hang in there, worship your God today with a full heart, and let go! 

Peace be with you,
Pr. Doug