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I missed everyone Sunday morning! Many thanks to Pr. Keith Kriesel for filling in for me today while I completed a week of vacation. I spent a few days at the St. Meinrad Catholic Seminary (guest house) and enjoyed a time of prayer and renewal.
Tuesday was the Eclipse! Did you enjoy the darkness? I wonder if the Path of Totality might be a way to look at the spiritual life. Can we be "totally" on the path to Jesus? Jesus calls us to follow, and we are the called-out ones. You and me, together!
I couldn't help but wonder, in a similar way to the Eclipse, if we knew that Jesus was coming back tomorrow, or next week how would we act? How would you prepare for the return of Jesus? Special glasses? Manage a trip or guests coming to your home? Plan to stay home because of the traffic?? A little "tongue in cheek" in similarities to the Eclipse. But why not act as though that were the case? Why not prepare our hearts....and just think for a minute what all you would do. Who would you call? What would you do? 
Join me in totally walking on the path with our Lord who goes beside us to encourage us along. Jesus walks behind us to catch us when we fall, and goes ahead of us to call us forward, forgiven and redeemed!
1) Taxes are due next week April 15th! This time of year, is a reminder to thank God for Brad Long, Lisa McKibban, Amanda Hunter and the Finance Committee, and Nadine Coles our very special Treasurer. We thank God for you all and appreciate your time! Philippians 1:3.
2) Clothes Closet this Saturday, volunteers always welcomed. Questions, please call Pat Tumey or Karen Havlik. They are in the Closet working every Wednesday afternoon. 
3) Ladies Spring Brunch, Saturday the 20th, at 10:30. Please contact Jan Smith for questions! 
God be with you until we meet again!
+Pastor Doug