Today is Christ the King Sunday in our church.
And this is the end of our church yearly calendar. Christ the King points to the end of time when the kingdom of Jesus will be established in all its fullness to the end of the earth. It leads into Advent, when the Church anticipates Christ's second coming. The Advent season beginning November 29th is our reminder to "wait" as we prepare our hearts for the birth of Christ.
The seasons of the church yearly calendar help us walk with Jesus through his life, death and resurrection. Advent is a Latin word meaning "waiting" and marks the 4 weeks prior to Christmas. We then live into the Christmas season for 2 weeks remembering the joy of the birth of Jesus among us. After Christmas we will begin Epiphany season where we mark the beginning of the earthly ministry of Jesus on earth. We move through that season and begin Lent for 6 weeks leading into the Easter season. We then go into the Pentecost season.
In the Gospel today, Jesus talks about "just as you have done it to the least of these (helped them with food or drink) you have done it onto me." This reminder is to treat others as though they are the Lord Jesus himself! This is similar to the "Namaste" we use to share the peace. Just as the Holy in you meets the Holy in the other, so we might also treat each other as though they were God. Treat others as you want to be treated.
Peace be with you,
Pastor Doug