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Summer Sermon Series - Our Neighbor's Faith

Our Neighbors Faith: Jehovah Witness

Pastor Doug Givan for St. Andrews and Faith Lutheran church

*This is not intended to be an official statement of any kind. These are statements some coming from a booklet called “Our Neighbors Faith” by Augsburg Fortress noted by quotes.

Jehovah’s Witnesses do not follow any one person. The founder of the Watch Tower Society, Charles Taze Russell, was the first President. He was a lay person who gathered others together to study the Bible, and his guiding idea was the Bible is the only standard and teaching. His group grew and in 1878 he was the leader and writer of their journal called “The Watchtower.”

Because their allegiance is to God, Witnesses maintain strict neutrality and do not bear arms or participate in political affairs. They respect national flags, but do not salute any as that would be seen as an act of worship. They have a group called “Pioneers” who spend about 70 hours a month out evangelizing and being witnesses to Jehovah God!

They are known to be somewhat aggressive and fully knowledgeable on the Bible and can use quotes of texts often. They gather in private homes or auditoriums known as Kingdom Halls for worship and to advertise God’s Kingdom in hope of saving the world. When a congregation gets over 200 members, they split off and form another group. They have no clergy, per se, everyone who joins becomes a minister invited to study the Bible and pray on their own. 

For Further Info: or by getting a copy of their magazine The Watchtower.