Midweek Moment

What is the Grace of the Lord?

Listen in as Pastor Doug dives into pandemic grace and the idea F.I.N.E.: Feelings Inside Not Expressed. God takes our burdens, and Jesus is there with us always.

Pandemic grace: Ongoing forgiveness of self and others

Remember to keep courage as we are on the far end of the COVID wilderness. Coronavirus does not have the last words - God does.

Questions to ponder:

  • What burdens are you carrying recently?
  • Who is your spiritual director?
  • How are you doing in processing God in your life?
  • Where is God in the mess of your life?
  • How can you eliminate hurry from your life?

Need a spiritual director? Pastor Doug is here for you!

Join us on Zoom for Fellowship at 11am! Reach out to Kelli if you do not receive this email.