
Matthew 21:23-32
Under Whose Authority?

We gather around Word and Sacrament on this first Sunday in Autumn, the last Sunday in September. We are continuing through the Pentecost season honoring the Holy Spirit moving in, with and through us! And, we continue through the Gospel of Matthew with another parable from Jesus. 

The theme this day is about authority. Jesus is asked by what authority He is performing his miracles and ministry, and to name who gave him that authority. And, as always, Jesus doesn't directly answer but offers up another question to get to the point of the matter.  

Jesus is the authority and has been "givan" that authority from God! It's the same for us, the authority we have to proclaim the Gospel, share Good News and love one another comes from God through Jesus Christ. We are invited in the second lesson from Philippians to humble ourselves and meet the needs of others before our own needs. That's the love of Jesus who gave Himself for us so that we might be the forgiven people of God sharing that love all over the world in this season and all others! 

Peace be with you,

Pr. Doug


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