Dear Friends:
What about this weather?? I am writing this on Monday of this week when we hit close to 60 degrees....on Feb. 3rd!! Incredible! It was so nice, but we must not be fooled because there probably is plenty of winter left. After all, the Groundhog saw his shadow, so we will likely have 6 more weeks of winter if you believe the groundhog story!
The weather ebbs and flows, we hear about, and experience, global warming with days like today. If these keep up I always worry Mother Nature will be fooled and buds will start showing and birds a chirping! Everyone of us is concerned about the weather, we talk about it with each other, we look it up on our phones, and we read the paper. I listen to the morning news long enough to get our local weather forecast! Is it going to rain, grab the umbrella. Is it cold, get the gloves and hat. We want to be prepared for the weather.
We are always talking about the weather with each other and it is important to us. If we get a forecast of snow, look out at the local grocery as bread and milk empty out! (Why not soft drinks and chips, if we will be snowed in??) Maybe that's one aspect of the weather than fascinates us, it is always changing.
If we want something unchanging, we again turn to our Bibles in Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." And all God's people said.......AMEN!
1) Clothes Closet opens again this Saturday 10-12, volunteer sign up in narthex.
2) Ash Wednesday is March 5, and will feature a Soup Supper at 6pm with the service at 7pm here at St. Andrew's. Then the Lenten Wednesdays will rotate between the two churches with a 6pm soup supper and 7pm service just like last year!
3) We are a praying community of faith, please pray for new Council President Jamie Shake, VP Jim Patton, and Secretary Amanda Hunter! These three along with veteran Mark Hollman, and our newly elected Karen Havlik, Matt Hermerding, and Darren Reaman will lead us forward as God directs!
Pr. Doug