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The 2025 Annual Meeting has concluded!  We had a nice meal from a local restaurant and enjoyed a time of fellowship with each other. The vote for the RIC program was a "tie" so the program will not be implemented at this time. The budget was approved with thanksgiving to the Finance Committee and Brad Long. We said thank you to Jan Smith and Jennifer Baker going off Council as their terms conclude. 
And we also welcomed new Council members Darren Reaman, Karen Havlik, and Matt Hermerding. It was good to be together, even with disagreement among us, as a united in Christ family of faith. Now with this behind us, let us pray for the new Council and support them in prayer and by taking action to help with the various needs we have. 
Many noted our shared experience of the 10 o'clock hour with St. John's Episcopal church! What a joy to be together and I was thrilled to pull into a really full parking lot! We are sharing our space, and I ask that all of us show love, grace, and flexibility in the use of said space. Please be welcoming, answer any questions and help these good people as best we can. You may or may not remember, but our ELCA has signed an agreement with the Episcopal church that we actually like each other!! (joke) We are in "Altar (Communion) and Pulpit (preaching) Fellowship". An Episcopal Priest can preside at Holy Communion and preach for us/ELCA, and I can go to an Episcopal church in the same way. It is good to have them with us.
Pr. Doug
1) Clothing Closet had 23 individual people come thru our doors for clothes! We don't know how many families that represents. Pat Tumey reports a heavy inventory right now of donations, so help is needed this afternoon to come over and fold and hang what we have. Stop by church!
2) When the prelude starts at 5 till 11 and we go live on Facebook I would like to invite everyone to come into the sanctuary quietly. Several come in early to meditate and prepare for worship. Please be mindful.
3) As we enter into February (Groundhog's Day is Sunday) we begin to smell "spring in the air!" Ash Wednesday is March 5th and the beginning of Lent. We will once again rotate the Wednesdays between Faith and St. Andrews for a soup supper at 6 and a service at 7. More information will be forthcoming as we get closer. 
"This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad!" (Ps. 118:24) 
God be with you until we meet again!
+Pastor Doug