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Sunday, December 8 after services you will have a chance to vote on becoming a Reconciled In Christ congregation. I believe it simply says what we already do and already believe. We welcome and love anyone who comes to worship with us no matter their sexual orientation, race, creed, color etc. All God's people deserve to feel welcomed, loved, and safe in worship. .
When we say this publicly on Facebook and the Website we tell the community we walk with they are welcomed. There is nothing hidden in this, the Council has approved it for St. Andrews. We may not notice a thing in terms of visitors, maybe we will have several, we don't know. We say in our mission statement we want to walk with our community, so here we go! Please pray for St. Andrews and you can vote affirmatively for this with no worries or concerns. 
The Council has worked hard to make sure the information has been circulated and available to you. If you are having concerns with this statement/RIC please reach out to your respective Council member to talk. In the same vain, we welcome St. Johns Episcopal Church to worship here at St. Andrews. This past Sunday they worshipped with their part-time Priest in our sanctuary. Then they met in the library with their own coffee and donuts. They are approximately 20 come people who have stuck together over the years with no church home. They have met on line, at the Brickyard hotel by the track and at each other's homes. They have been looking for a place, and we have a place(space) looking for someone to come and use. This is God's call for us I feel and the rest is up to the Lord!
1) I pray for you and your family as you make your Holiday plans this Thanksgiving. May you join me in thinking more about Thanks-living, than just one day in November. "Give thanks in all things...." 1 Th 5:17-18
2) Women's Christmas luncheon and white elephant gift exchange pitch in, 10:30 Saturday, Dec. 7th. Check with Jan for questions, 
3) As you make your Holiday plans for Christmas, our Christmas Eve service is scheduled for 9 p.m.  Faith will have their service at 5 p.m. on Christmas Eve. Of course, you are welcomed at either service (or both, like me!!)
God be with you until we meet again, 
Pr. Doug