I love the Church Calendar as it guides our lives and purpose in the church and in daily prayer and devotions, We just completed All Saints Day and the next two Sundays will be back in Pentecost. On November 24 it will be Christ the King Sunday which is the end of our church calendar.
Christ the King remembers that Jesus is our King and we are part of the Body of Christ in his kingdom. The gifts that the Magi brought to the Lord at Epiphany are part of this! The Wise Men brought Frankincense a kind of incense recognizing Jesus as High Priest. The Myrrh is a kind of "lotion" and is to represent the anointing of God on Jesus. The Gold they brought symbolizes Jesus as King.
After Nov. 24, the next four Sundays of December (1, 8, 15, 22) are Advent the season of waiting upon the Lord to arrive at Christmas. This is particularly important in light of the world pushing forward and rushing into Christmas. Advent invites us to slow down. Hallelujah and Amen!
1) Pray for our country and for safe elections and peace throughout the land! Pray for Laundry Ministry tonight and the Clothes Closet on Saturday!
2) Post on your Calendar or Phone: Christmas Sale is Saturday, November 9 from 9am-3pm; Brunch Pitch in Sunday, November 10 following worship service; Veterans Resource Fair Saturday, November 23 from 10am-2pm; Ladies Christmas Brunch Pitan in, Saturday, December 7 at 10:30am.
3) Veterans day next week, Monday, and we thank God for all veterans for their service to the Lord and Country!
Pr Doug
God be with you until we meet again!