The Indianapolis 500 brings all kinds of activities and excitement to our little city! You all know this well and residents and neighbors of Speedway.
The upcoming change in church seasons also brings much activity and excitement! (Tongue firmly in cheek). This Sunday is the Day of Pentecost when Jesus sends the "Advocate", the "Counselor", the Holy Spirit to move among us, through us and with us in all of life!
The 23rd will be Holy Trinity Sunday and we'll reflect on God, the Father, Jesus, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! See you then, reach out to a former member to invite them back, or bring a friend.
Top 3 things to know for the week of May 13th:
1) Memorial day weekend worship service Thursday, 23rd, at 7 p.m.
2) There is no Clothes Closet or Mat Making over Memorial Day weekend as well!
3) Thanks to Paula Cardoza-Jones for opening the church Saturday morning for Clothes Closet. Thanks also to Jim Patton who lead the Wednesday evening Bible study while I was away.