As you consider Easter plans and Holy Week, please note:
April 10--Palm Sunday
April 14--Maundy Thursday, 6:30 Agape Meal and service/Communion at Faith
April 15--Good Friday, Noon at St. Andrews, and an evening service at 7 p.m. at John Knox Presbyterian, Speedway.
April 17-- Easter Festival of the Resurrection Service with lite breakfast before starting at 8.
Sunday I talked about a favorite quote from a friend: "If you're not careful, Monday becomes Friday!" Remember a Lenten theme is to slow down and allow God to catch up and walk with you. Talk about your problems, worries, and anxieties. And remember what joy there is in walking with the Lord.
1) Our "theme" for this year! We are a Praying church, an Inviting church and a Giving church. Please pray about and for one another, pray about someone you can invite to come with you to church, and pray about your giving as to the Lord.
2) 80th Anniversary video will be shown after services this Sunday! (Also available on Facebook and Website!) Thanks to Paula for her work putting it together!
3) Sunday School for all ages after church! Children go with Jennifer Baker, adults to library to study a book "Making sense of Christian Faith" ( copies on table by the door!). Thank you Jennifer and Jim!)