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Monday, April 5, 2021

Every Sunday after Easter and Christmas is considered to be "low Sundays!" Traditionally, pre-Covid, these are the lowest attended Sundays in the year! This is because so many attend these big holidays, they feel a Sunday off is somehow deserved.  Please remember you're attending is about the worship of God and to feed your soul spiritually! 

This has nothing to do with the calendar, how you feel, or whether you "want" to attend. It's always about God, and it's the same with our giving (yes, "ours" as I give to both churches also)!

Listen to God, low Sunday or not, and worship everyday, but especially Sunday!! Sometimes we get days off, or vacation, but we continue our worship, giving and to love and serve our neighbor!

Grace and much peace, blessed Easter!! He is Risen!!! 
Pastor Doug


  • Worship time will change to 9am on Sunday, May 2.
  • Recorded worship will be available on website, Facebook, & email Sunday afternoons.
  • Office Hours 10-4, T-W-TH.
  • Midweek Moment Wednesdays 12pm.
  • Communion Kits can be picked up at the church office.