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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

I often listen to past recordings of Billy Graham crusades; I love the passion and energy he uses when he speaks. When his crusade came to Indianapolis in 1998/9, I was trained to be on the floor and talk with people after they came forward. It was a great experience, and I'll never forget seeing him up close on the stage!

Around the time of Billy Graham's death, they showed a picture of his cabin in the mountains to the mansion Joel Olsteen has in Houston, TX. It was incredible and a real life lesson for sure. Today I was listening to one of his messages, and he was discussing how there is a "hole" in our hearts and lives that can only be filled by Jesus Christ. Billy went through the litany: Drugs can't fill it, money can't fill it, people can't fill it, no government can fill it, no cars/houses or lottery tickets can fill it! He went on to say, "The hole in our hearts can ONLY be filled by Jesus Christ, and He comes to give us new life!!

And all God's people said, "Amen!" One of the early church fathers said, "Thou hast made us for thyself, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in you!" Amen. Friends, have a "restless"  heart today? Anxious, angry, upset over the events of last week? We all are and all the rest of life creates this empty feeling at times. Thank God that God comes to fill that void, each and every day, and we give thanks and praise as we go out to fill others!

God's peace in the pieces of life,
Pastor Doug


  • Reach out if you are interested in the digital service on DVD.
  • Prayer Chain requests go to Joyce Yockey.
  • The Storehouse continues to accept donations.
  • FBS Tuesdays at 7:00pm via Zoom.
  • In person worship suspended through January 17, 2021.
  • Save the Date for our Annual Meeting, January 24 at 1:00pm.
  • Worship will be “live” on Facebook and our website at 9am with an email to follow.